Or as Stan Laurel said on his death bed:-
Stan. " I'd rather be skiing than doing this "
Nurse " I didn't know you skied Mr Laurel"
Stan " I don't, but I'd rather be doing that than doing this"
The Rebel.
1) i am glad i had the courage to live my life true to myself and not the life others expected of me.. 2) i am glad i had the courage to express my feelings.. 3) i am glad i let myself be myself.. 4 ) and i hope i have so many days, and years to live those thoughts, because surely the most wonderful thing about having left our " watchtower death bed" is to start living?.
in my case at 50 !!.
but the important thing is when we leave, to start living.. any experiences worth sharing?.
Or as Stan Laurel said on his death bed:-
Stan. " I'd rather be skiing than doing this "
Nurse " I didn't know you skied Mr Laurel"
Stan " I don't, but I'd rather be doing that than doing this"
The Rebel.
1) i am glad i had the courage to live my life true to myself and not the life others expected of me.. 2) i am glad i had the courage to express my feelings.. 3) i am glad i let myself be myself.. 4 ) and i hope i have so many days, and years to live those thoughts, because surely the most wonderful thing about having left our " watchtower death bed" is to start living?.
in my case at 50 !!.
but the important thing is when we leave, to start living.. any experiences worth sharing?.
Brandnew I love the explicit video, but as a witness even under my dead body I would never have watched such a video. (Ok only in secret)
Anyway for any lurking Jehovers Witnesses, I am sure you realize the fun stories of leaving and the accomplishments achieved were by a few lucky, unprincipled apostates, otherwise you will be extremely cross.
The Rebel.
i have a question.....if two jw have sex and only one of them goes to the eldurrs and confesses.....do they both get busted?
or does the boe need a confession from both people.?
if one of em denies it happened will that person still get df'd?.
Brandnew, that is a great question. Unfortunately I was never an Elder, so iam not qualified to answer, but I am sure the judicial committee would have enjoyed the " hot stuff" with or without watchtower law. I say this because it's totally ridiculous that elders need concern themselves in the worldly activities of consenting adults, even if they are adult Jehovers witnesses.
But would an elder be an elder if he couldn't be privy to such cases of upmost secrecy and humiliation for those involved ?
I hope the answers is ovbious.
The Rebel.
1) i am glad i had the courage to live my life true to myself and not the life others expected of me.. 2) i am glad i had the courage to express my feelings.. 3) i am glad i let myself be myself.. 4 ) and i hope i have so many days, and years to live those thoughts, because surely the most wonderful thing about having left our " watchtower death bed" is to start living?.
in my case at 50 !!.
but the important thing is when we leave, to start living.. any experiences worth sharing?.
1) I am glad I had the courage to live my life true to myself and not the life others expected of me.
2) I am glad I had the courage to express my feelings.
3) I am glad I let myself be myself.
4 ) And I hope I have so many days, and years to live those thoughts, because surely the most wonderful thing about having left our " watchtower death bed" is to start living?
In my case at 50 !!
But the important thing is when we leave, to start living.
Any experiences worth sharing?
The Rebel.
none of you are old enough to have been there, i suspect.
i had been in prison two years as a jw conscientious objector when the exciting news about 1975 spread like wildfire.i was paroled from prison in 1969 and immediately began pioneering.
the pressures began mounting throughout the organization.
Terry " The lingering shadow of 75"
The Rebel:- Terry may I begin by offering my warmest condolences for what you have been through. However tuning to graver matters, the generation of 1914 will also pass away, and with that sadly the bunch of villians the G.B are, as history doesn't seem to be teaching the flock anything.
So how do the G.B get away with it?
Why do the G.B still have followers?
Well, in my opinion our old friends the G.B are always offering honors and titles such as" pioneers" " ministerial servants" and the must be won award for a male, the title of " Elder"
All you have to do to get one of these awards is read the literature, except current truth and then you are the envy of the congregation. Of course if you think more than you should, and don't walk the walk and talk the talk, these awards will be taken from you.
Occasionaly some sister, or aspiring elder will wake up and get themselves mixed up with "worldly thinking" which as your O.P clarifies can lead to tragic consequences, or it can i hope more often than not lead to a successful and happy life.
Anyway I am no great loss to the watchtower. But you Terry would have been a watchtower star had you remained inside, so I hope you appreciate what an articulate and meaningful voice for thousands you are on the outside.
The Rebel
what a powerful quote!.
"if your absence doesn't affect them, then your presence never mattered.".
how true!
Stuckinarut2 " If your absence doesn't effect them, then your presence never mattered !
The Rebel, if that quote is true, then what am I doing on the forum :-)
you are on guard at jesus sealed tomb.
all of a sudden a great earthquake occurs and an angel.
wearing a dazzling outfit descends from above like lightning and this angel single handedly rolls away.
Not just the guards but I am surprised the entire population of Jerusalem didn't become believers.
Matt 27: v 53 & 54 " And the graves were opened and many of the bodies of the saints which slept arose, they came out of the tombs and went in to the holy city and appeared to many people"
So not only were the solders on guard of Jesus tomb witness to the most important miracle of all time, they would also have heard stories about the famous dead prophets of old having risen from there graves and walking around the holy city. Personally I think the event would have created quite a lot of excitement and been the social topic of the day.
The Rebel.
but thanks to the excellent health care on this site iam on the road to recovery, and can now fully appreciate what a gloriouse thing it is to be free from the w.t and savor approaching spring in all its beauty, ....however i am not sure i am ready for debating on all the boards many heavy threads about gods existence and evolution .. anybody else feal the same?
" tis a gift to be simple, tis a gift to be free, tis a gift to wake up and breath the morning air, and tis a gift to each day walk on the path we want to be....." .
the rebel.
Thank you for the post Blondie, and I must apologize if my post post had suggested medically I have been critically ill. I was only writing about my mental state of having been under Watchtower mind control for so many years, which I have now awakened to and am therefore no longer "critically ill"
The Rebel.
but thanks to the excellent health care on this site iam on the road to recovery, and can now fully appreciate what a gloriouse thing it is to be free from the w.t and savor approaching spring in all its beauty, ....however i am not sure i am ready for debating on all the boards many heavy threads about gods existence and evolution .. anybody else feal the same?
" tis a gift to be simple, tis a gift to be free, tis a gift to wake up and breath the morning air, and tis a gift to each day walk on the path we want to be....." .
the rebel.
But thanks to the excellent health care on this site iam on the road to recovery, and can now fully appreciate what a gloriouse thing it is to be free from the W.T and savor approaching spring in all its beauty, ....however I am not sure I am ready for debating on all the boards many heavy threads about Gods existence and Evolution .
Anybody else feal the same?
" Tis a gift to be simple, Tis a gift to be free, Tis a gift to wake up and breath the morning air, and Tis a gift to each day walk on the path we want to be....."
The Rebel
i find it curious why so many here on this site, in the face of factual evidence for things such as evolution and the impossibility for anyone to make a coherent interpretation for the bible, would still prefer faith to knowledge?.
can any believer attempt a defence of this position?.
Half bananas ( Q) Can any believer make a case for the superiority of faith over knowledge?
David Jay " This thread is about asking believers to supply an answer to the O.P, which is can any believer make a case for the superiority of faith over knowledge?
The Rebel, ( A) Of course a believer can make the case for " the superiority of faith over knowledge" and that's all the O.P asked. However the closing arguments might make humourrous entertainment.
The Rebel.